Welcome to the Shadowspawn's Domain.
You will be the next captured soul.
This is still a "work in progress." The link to my Topics in Medicine is active (and has been updated). The Rogue's Gallery of Photos has been updated with new photos. A new camera makes a difference. The Of Professional Interest page will tell you more than you care to know about me. These are updated as of 07/30/2002
There are more active links now, including a search link to CDNow for the music shoppers out there (I'm a compulsive one myself).
So here is the current little bit of humor for stopping by:
You Have Joined A Redneck HMO If...
10: Your Viagra perscription includes a Popsicle stick and some duct tape.
9: The only 100% covered expense is embalming.
8: Your Prozac comes in colors and has little Ms on each pill.
7: Preventive Care Coverage includes an apple a day.
6: Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.
5: The Lone Star Bar and Grill is an approved pharmacy.
4: The only proctologist lists his address as Rotorooter.
3: The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.
2: Directiojns to the Dr.'s office include "Take a left when you enter the trailer park."
1: The annual breast exam is conducted at Hooters.
And for the politically incorrect... a Blonde Joke